Wrong Turn 2 Review

wrong turn 2 reviewYear: 2007

Director: Joe Lynch

Synopsis (from IMDb): A group of reality show contestants find themselves fighting for their survival against a family of hideously deformed inbred cannibals who plan to ruthlessly butcher them all.

My Short Review: What a blast!! I was totally underwhelmed by Wrong Turn which I just watched again a few days ago. So I was obviously not looking very much forward watching the sequel, despite some positive reviews here and there.

Boy was I wrong! A few minutes into the movie, a girl gets cut in half (vertically), one of the coolest kill scene I’ve seen in a while. At that point (especially since the intro of Wrong Turn 2 is a direct copy of the one in Wrong Turn), I felt like the director wanted to tell the audience:”forget about the sellout that Wrong Turn was, THIS is how it should be done!!”

And yes the kills are gruesome and the fun keeps on coming throughout the whole movie with the introduction of interesting characters (especially Henry Rollins in the role of a retired marine turned Reality TV star presenter) and a much better insight into the Mutants family life(including a “Texas chainsaw”- like dinner scene). To top it off, it wasn’t easy to guess who would survive at the end.

So my advice would be to skip the first one and watch this one instead, especially if you’re into fun splatter.

Rating: 6.5/10


